Antone Blair began fencing in 1995 while studying Anthropology and Classical Mediterranean Civilization at Beloit College in Wisconsin. Finding that he was more interested in fencing as a martial art, he began seeking information on the rapier and the dueling sword.
In May 2001, Mr. Blair attended a seminar on the art of Spanish rapier taught by Maestros Ramón Martínez and Jeannette Acosta-Martínez. He immediately developed a passion for the Spanish school of fencing and soon thereafter became a student of the Martinez Academy of Arms. In 2006, Mr. Blair earned the rank of Instructor in French foil, French dueling sword, and Spanish rapier. He earned the rank of Prévôt d’Armes (Provost of Arms) in November of 2013, and Master of Arms in November 2016.
Mr. Blair also studies and trains in the use of the Spanish navaja under Maestro James Loriega of the Raven Arts Institute, and trains in wing chun kung fu under Sifu Kurt Saenz of the Augustine Fong wing chun lineage. He is the fencing instructor at Humboldt State University, where he teaches classical and historical fencing. He also offers fencing instruction at the Destreza Pacifica School of Arms in Arcata, California, as well as classes in Spanish navaja and wing chun kung fu.