For the ease and convenience of the reader, books are listed by historical period and language in alphabetical order by author’s name. Translations and later publications are listed in the period in which the original text was written.
Table of ContentsHistorical Fencing
Early Period (14th & 15th Centuries)
- English
- Forgeng, Jeffrey L. trans. The Medieval Art of Swordsmanship.
Union City, Calif., 2003. (A facsimile and translation of MS I.33.) - Rector, Mark. trans. Medieval Combat.
London, 2000. (A translation of Hans Talhoffer’s 1467 treatise.) - Italian
- Flos Duellatorum.
Getty Museum MS Ludwig XV 13, circa 1400-1410. - Fiore dei Liberi da Premariacco. Flos duellatorum: Il fior di battaglia.
Francesco Novati edition. Bergamo, 1902. - Vadi di Pisa, Filippo di. Liber de arte gladitoria dimicandi.
[Urbino?], circa 1482-1487.
Middle Period (16th Century)
- English
- Saviolo, Vincentio. His Practice in Two Books.
London, 1595. - Grassi, Giacomo Di. His true arte of defence: plainlie teaching by infallable demonstrations, apt figures and perfect rules the manner and forme how a man without other teacher or master may safelie handle all sortes of weapons as well offensive as defensive.
London, 1594. - Italian
- Agocchie, M. Giovani Dall’. Dell’arte di scrimia, libri tre; ne’ quali brevemente si tratta dell’arte dello schermire, della giostra, dell’ ordinar battaglie.
Venice, 1572. - Agrippa, Camillo. Trattato di scientia d’arme.
Rome, 1553. - Grassi, Giacomo Di. Ragione di adoprar sicuramente l’arme si da offesa, come da difesa; con un trattato dell’inganno, & con un modo di essercitarsi da se stesso, per acquistare forza, giudicio, & prestezza.
Venice, 1570. - Marozzo, Achille. Opera nova.
Venice, 1536. - Viggiani, Angelo. Lo schermo.
Venice, 1575. - Spanish
- Carranza, Jeronimo de. Libro que trata de la philosophía de las armas y de su destreza y la aggressión y defensión christiana.
[Seville, 1569]. San Lucar De Barrameda, 1582.
Late Period (17th Century)
- English
- Capo Ferro, Ridolfo. Italian Rapier Combat.
Edited by Jared Kirby. London, 2004. (A translation of Capo Ferro’s 1610 treatise.) - Greer, John Michael. trans. Academy of the Sword Girard.
Highland Village, Tex., 2006. (A translation of Girard Thibault’s 1630 treatise.) - Hope, William. The Scots Fencing Master, or, Compleat small-swordman: in which is fully Described the whole Guards, Parades, and Lessons belonging to the Small-Sword, &c.
Edinburgh, 1687. - —. The Fencing-Master’s Advice to his Scholar: or, a few Directions for the more Regular Assaulting in Schools. Published by way of Dialogue, for the Benefit of all who shall be so far advanced in the Art, as to be fit for Assaulting.
Edinburgh, 1692. - Leoni, Tommaso. Art of Dueling.
Highland Village, Tex., 2005. (A translation of Fabris’s 1606 treatise.) - French
- Besnard, Charles. Le maistre d’arme libéral.
Rennes, 1653. - Cavalcabo, Hieronyme, Bolognois. Traité, ou instruction pour tirer des armes.
With a discourse by Patenostrier de Rome on the use of the single sword. Rouen, 1617. - Liancour, Le Sieur de. Le Maitre D’Armes ou L’Exercice de L’Epee Seule.
Amsterdam, 1692. - Thibault, Girard. Academie de l’éspée, ou se demonstrent par reigles mathematiques, sur le fondement d’un cercle mysterieux, la theorie et pratique des vrais et iusqu’a present incognus secrets du maniement des armes a pied et a cheval.
Leyden, 1628. - Touche, Philbert de la. Les vrays principes de l’espée seule.
Paris, 1670. - Italian
- Alfieri, Francesco. La scherma.
Padua, 1640. - Capo Ferro, Ridolfo. Gran simulacro dell’arte e dell’uso della scherma.
Siena, 1610. - —. Gran simulacro dell’arte, e dell’uso della scherma.
France, 2000. (Reprint of the 1610 edited by Gérard SIX) - Di Mazo, Bondi. La spada maestra.
Venice, 1696. - Docciolini, Marco. Trattato in materia di scherma. Nel quale si contiene il modo, e regola d’adoperar la spada così sola, come accompagnata.
Florence, 1601. - Fabris, Salvatore. De lo schermo, overo scienza d’arme.
Copenhagen, 1606. - Giganti, Nicoletto. Scola, overo teatro: nelquale sono rappresentate diuerse maniere, e modi di parare, e di ferire di spada sola, e di spada, e pugnale.
Venice, 1606. - Marchelli, Francesco Antonio. Regole della scherma.
Rome, 1686. - Pallavicini, Giuseppe Moriscato. La scherma illustrata.
Palermo, 1670. - —. La seconda parte della scherma illustrata.
Palermo, 1673. - Senese, Alessandro. Il vero maneggio di spada.
Bolonga, 1660. - Villardita, Giuseppe. La scherma siciliana ridotta in compendio, communemente detto il nicosioto. Ove si mostra, come con un sol moto retto di corpo, ed una sola retta linea di spada debba’l cavaliero principalmente schermire.
Palermo, 1670. - —. Trattato della scherma siciliana, ove si monstra di seconda intentione con una linea retta; difendersi di qualsivoglia operatione di resolutione, che operata per ferire à qualunque, ò di punta, ò taglio, che accadesse in accidente di questionarsi.
Palermo, 1673. - Spanish
- De La Vega, D. Alvaro Guerra. Comprehension de la destreza.
Seville, 1681. - Ettenhard y Abarca, D. Franciso Antonio. Compendio de los fundamentos de la verdadera destreza, y filosofia de las armas.
Madrid, 1675. - —. Diestro italiano, y español, explican sus doctrinas con evidencias mathematicas, conforme a los preceptos de la verdadera destreza, y filosophia de las armas.
Madrid, 1697. - Lara, Gaspar Agustin de. Cornucopia numerosa alphabeto breve de principios assentados y rudimentos conocidos de la verdadera filosofía y destreza de las armas. Colegidos de las obras de Don Luis Pacheco de Narváez príncipe de esta ciencia.
Madrid, 1675. - Mendez de Carmona, Tamariz Luis. Avisos importantes para el diestro en la esgrima.
Editor, Pedro Vindel. Madrid, 1899. (Printed from a manuscript written circa 1639.) - Narváez, Don Luis Pacheco de. Libro de las grandezas de la espada.
Madrid, 1600. - —. Las cien conclusiones, ó formas de saber de la verdadera destreza, fundada en sciencia y deziocho contradiciones a las tretas de la destreza comun.
Madrid, 1608. - —. Compendio de la filosofía y destreza de las armas, de Geronimo de Carrança.
Madrid, 1612. - —. Carta al Duque de Cea [Letter]. Madrid, 1618.
- —. Modo facil y nuevo para examinar los maestros en la destreza de las armas.
Madrid, 1625. - —. Nueva ciencia y filosofia de la destreza de las armas, su teorica, y practica.
Madrid, 1672. - —. Llave y gobierno de la destreza. De una filosofía de las armas.
Alcalá de Henares, 1991.
(Editor, Fernado Fernandez Lanza, transcribed and published from an original manuscript.) - Pérez de Mendoza y Quijada, Miguel. Resumen de la verdadera destreza de las armas, en treinta y ocho asserciones resumidas y advertidas con demonstraciones prácticas, deducido de las obras principales que tiene escritas su autor.
Madrid, 1675. - Tamariz, Nicolas D. Cartilla, y luz en la verdadera destreza, sacada de los escritos de D. Luis Pacheco y Narvaez, y de los autores que refiere.
Seville, 1696. - Vindel, Pedro. Antiguos tratados de esgrima.
Madrid, 1898.
Late Period (18th Century)
- English
- Angelo, Domenico. The School of Fencing.
London, 1787. - —. The School of Fencing.
New York, 1971. - —. The School of Fencing.
London, 2005. - Blackwell, Edward. A Compleat System of Fencing, Or, The Art of Defence, in the Use
of the Small-Sword.
Williamsburg, 1734. - Blackwell, Henry. The Gentleman’s Tutor For The Small Sword: or, the Compleat English Fencing Master.
London, 1730. - Hope, William. A New, Short, and Easy Method of Fencing: Or, the Art of the Broad and Small-Sword Rectified and Compendiz’d.
Edinburgh, 1707. - —. A Vindication Of the True Art of Self-Defence.
London, 1729. - L’Abbat, Monsieur. The Art of Fencing, or the use of The Small Sword.
Dublin, 1734. - Lonnergan, A. The Fencer’s Guide; Being a Series of every Branch required to compose a Complete System of Defence.
London, 1771. - McArthur, J. The Army and Navy Gentleman’s Companion, or, a New and Complete Treatise On The Theory and Practice of Fencing.
London, 1780. - McBane, Donald. The Expert Sword-Man’s Companion: Or the True Art of Self-Defence. With an Account of the Authors Life, and his Transactions during the Wars with France. To which is Annexed, the Art of Gunnerie.
Glasgow, 1728. - Olivier, J. Fencing Familiarized: or, a New Treatise on the Art of Sword Play.
London, 1771, 1772. - French
- Danet, Guillaume. L’art des armes. Tome premier et tome second.
Paris, 1766, 1767. - Demuse, Nicolas. Nouveau traité de l’art des armes.
Liége, 1778. - Diderot & D’Alembert. Art de l'escrime bibliotheque de l'image.
Paris, 2002. - Diderot, Denis. Encyclopédie Méthodique: Arts académiques. équitation, escrime, danse, et art de nager.
Paris, 1786 - Girard, P.J.F. Traité des armes, enseignant la maniere de combattre de l’epée de pointe seule, toutes les gardes étrangeres l’espadon, les piques, hallebardes, bayonettes au bout du fufil, fleaux brisés & batons a deux bouts.
La Haye, 1740. - Spanish
- Lorenz De Rada, Don Francisco. Nobleza de la espada, cuyo esplendor se expressa en tres libros, segun ciencia, arte, y esperiencia.
Madrid, 1705. - Perinat, D. Juan Nicolas.
Arte de esgrimir florete y sable.
Cadiz, 1758.
Classical Fencing
Classical Fencing - English
- Barbasetti, Luigi. The Art Of The Foil; With a Short History of Fencing.
Ithaca, N.Y., 1932. - —. The Art of the Sabre and the Epée.
Ithaca, N.Y., 1936. - Breck, Edward. Fencing.
New York, 1894. - Chapman, George. Foil Practice; with a Review of The Art of Fencing, According to the Theories of La Boessiere, Hamon, Gomard, and Grisier.
London, 1861. - Corbesier, A. J. Theory of Fencing; with the Small-Sword Exercise.
Washington, 1873. - Gaugler, Wiliam. The Science of Fencing.
Bangor, Maine, 1997. - Hutton, Alfred. Cold Steel: The Art of Fencing with the Sabre.
Mineola, N.Y., 2006. - Wright, Francis Vere. trans. The Broadsword as Taught by the Celebrated Italian Masters Signors Masiello and Ciullini of Florence.
London, 1889. - McClellan, George B. Manual of Bayonet Exercise: Prepared for the Use of the Army of the United States.
Philadelphia, 1861. - Pavese, Generoso. Foil and Sabre Fencing, (Scherma di spada e sciabola).
Baltimore, 1905. - Pollock, Walter H., Grove, F. C., and Prévost, Camille. The Badminton Library.
London, 1893. - Roland, George. A Treatise on the Theory and Practice of the Art of Fencing.
Edinburgh, 1823. - Roland, Joseph. The Amateur of Fencing; or a Treatise on the Art of Sword-Defence, Theoretically and Experimentally Explained upon New Principles.
London, 1809. - Rondelle, Louis. Foil & Sabre: a Fencing Grammar.
Boston, 1892. - Senac, Regis and Louis. The Art of Fencing. New York, 1904. Also published with Dr. Edward Breck’s Fencing: A Short, Practical and Complete Exposition of the Art of Foil and Sabre, According to the Methods of the Best Modern School.
New York: 1928.
Classical Fencing - French
- André, Émile. Les duels Franco-Italiens.
Paris, 1903. - —. Manuel théorique et pratique d’escrime.
Paris, 1896. - Boëssière, M. La. Traité de l’art des armes, a l’usage des professeurs et des amateurs.
Paris, 1818. - Cordelois, (Monsieur). Leçons d’armes: du duel et de l’assaut.
Paris, 1872. - Édom, Achille (Docteur). L’escrime: le duel & l’épée.
Paris, 1908. - Desmedt, Eugene. La Science de l’escrime.
Brussels, 1888. - Dubios, Georges. L’Escrime de duel.
Paris, 1913. - Gomard [A.J.J. Possellier]. La théorie de l’escrime.
Paris/Toulouse, 1845, 1983. - Grisier, Augustin Edme Francois. Les armes et le duel.
Paris, 1847. - Jacob, Jules. Le jeu de l’épée.
Paris, 1887. - Marche, Claude la [pseudonym for George Marie Félizet]. Triaté de l’epée.
Paris, 1894. - Prévost, Camille and G. Jollivet. L’escrime et le duel.
Paris, 1891. - Ringnet, J. and D’Octon, P. Vigné. L’escrime nouvelle. théorie et pratique de l’escrime: Le fleuret, l’épée et le sabre. Le code du duel.
Paris, 1911. - Robaglia, A. (Capitaine). Méthode du fleuret et de l’épée; l’escrime et le duel.
Paris, 1895.
Classical Fencing - Italian
- Bertelli, Paolo. Trattato di scherma ossia modo di maneggiare la spada e la sciabola.
Bologna, 1800. - Bellini, Vincenzo. Trattato di scherma:sulla sciabola.
Naples,1882. - Cerri, Giuseppe. Tratto teorico-pratico della scherma per sciabola.
Milan, 1861. - Ceselli, Giovanni. Giuoco ginnico schermistico di bastone.
Livorno, 1902. - Enrichetti, Cesare. Trattato elementare teorico-pratico di scherma.
Parma, 1871. - Florio, Blasco. Discorso sulla utilità della scherma.
Catania, 1828. - —. La scienza della scherma.
Catania, 1844. - —. Il primato della scherma Italiana.
Catania, 1861. - Gelli, Jacopo. Scherma Italiana.
Milano, 1891. - Greco, Aurelio. La spada e la sua aplicazione.
Rome, 1907. - Guglielmo, Antonio. Sunto ed innovazioni sulla scherma di spada e di sciabola: sistema Napolitano, normale d’Italia.
Messina, 1888. - Lambertini, Vittorio. Trattato di scherma teorico-pratico illustrato della moderna scuola italiana di spada e sciabola.
Bologna, 1870. - Marchionni, Alberto. Trattato di scherma spora un nuovo sistema di guoco misto di scuola Italiana e Francese.
Florence, 1847. - Masiello, Ferdinando. La scherma Italiana di spada e di sciabola.
Florence, 1887. - Parise, Mansaniello. Trattato teorico-practico della scherma di spada e sciabola, preceduto da un cenno storico sulla scherma e sul duello.
Rome, 1889. - Pini, Eugenio. Tratto pratico e teorico sulla scherma di spada.
Livorno, 1903. - Radaelli, Giuseppe. Istruzione per la scherma di sciabola e di spada.
Milan, 1876. - Rossi, Giordano. Manuale teorico-pratico per la scherma di spada e sciabola, con cenni storici sulle armi e sulla scherma e principali norme pel duello.
Milan, 1885. - Scorza, Rosaroll and Grisetti, Pietro. La scienza della scherma.
Milan, 1871.
Classical Fencing - Spanish
- Alvarez Garcia, Antonio. Manual de esgrima de espada y palo-bastón.
Granada, 1887. - —. Grandezas del arte de la esgrima.
Havana, 1892. - —. Tratado de esgrima de sable y florete.
Jerez, 1893. - Brea, Manuel Antonio de. Principios universales y reglas generales de la verdadera destreza del espadin, segun la doctrina mixta de Francesa, Italiana, y Española, dispuestos para instruction de los caballeros seminaristas del real seminario de nobles.
Madrid, 1805. - Broutin, C. León. El arte de la esgrima.
Madrid, 1893. - Carbonel, Pedro. Teoría y práctica de la esgrima.
Madrid, 1900. - Cenzano y Zamora, Luis. Manual de esgrima de sable: recopilación de las principales tretas puestas por lecciones al alcance de todos los aficionados.
Burgos, 1882. - Cortés y Dominguez, José. Eseñanza general de la esgrima del sable.
Albacete, 1882. - Cristini. Esgrima Italiana.
Santiago, 1900. - Dueñas, Gregorio María. Ensayo de un tratado de esgrima de florete.
Toledo, 1881. - —. Esgrima del sable.
Toledo, 1895. - Fortoul, José Gil. La esgrima moderna.
Liverpool, 1892. - Frias, Simon de. Tratado elemental de la destreza del sable.
Mexico, 1809. - Gerona y Enseñat, Federico. Esgrima del sable.
Madrid, 1877. - Guzman, Rolando. Nuevo arte de esgrima.
London, 1826. - Heraud y Clavijo de Soria, Antonio. Manual de esgrima y duelo.
Paris/Mexico, 1892. - Lafaugére, Louis-Justin. Tratado completo de esgrima.
Madrid, 1841. (Translation by professor D. Antonio Marín.) - Merelo y Casademunt, Jaime. Tratado completo de la esgrima del sable español.
Valencia, 2003. (Facsimile reprint of Madrid, 1862 edition.) - —. Manual de esgrima,, recopliación de las tretas más principales que constituyen la verdadera esgrima del sable español y del florete.
Valencia, 1997. (Facsimile reprint of Madrid, 1878 edition.) - Merlo y Fornés, Alfredo. Manual de esgrima de sable y lanza para toda el arma de caballería y sable de infantería.
Madrid, 1880. - Pérez, Cayetano Población. Esgrima ó sea la destreza del florete.
Valladolid, 1832. - Pini, Eugenio. Tratado teórico practico de esgrima de espada.
Buenos Aires, 1912. - Casado Sánchez, José. Esgrima de bayoneta.
Madrid, 1853. - Sanz, Adelardo. Esgrima del sable y consideraciones sobre el duelo.
Madrid, 1886. - Thomase, Eudaldo. Tratado de esgrima a pie y a caballo.
Valencia, 1823. - Vendrell y Eduart. Arte de esgrima del palo.
Vitoria, 1881. - —. Arte de esgrimir el sable.
Vitoria, 1879.
Modern Fencing
- Castello, Julio Martinez. Theory and Practice of Fencing.
New York, 1933. - Crosnier, Roger. Fencing with the Sabre.
London, 1965. - Deladrier, Clovis. Modern Fencing.
New York, 1973. - Gillet, Jean-Jacques. Foil Technique & Terminology.
Ithaca, N.Y., 1977. - Nadi, Aldo. On Fencing.
New York, 1943. - Palffy-Alpar, Julius. Sword and Mask.
Philadelphia, 1967. - Italian
- Mangiarotti, Edoardo and Cerchiari, Aldo. La vera scherma.
Milan, 1966.
Arms and Armor
- English
- Albaugh, William A. III. Confederate Edged Weapons.
New York, 1960. - Aylward, J.D. The Small-Sword in England.
London, 1960. - Burton, Richard. The Book of the Sword.
Mineola, N. Y., 1987. (Reprint of the London, 1884 edition.) - Coe, Michael D. et al. Swords and Hilt Weapons.
New York, 1989. - Edge, David and John Miles Paddock. Arms & Armour of the Medieval Knight.
Greenwich, Conn., 1988. - Held, Robert. Arms and Armor Annual, Volume I.
Northfield, Ill., 1973. - —. Art, Arms and Armour: an International Anthology, Volume I: 1979-80.
Chiasso, 1979. - Neumann, George C. Swords & Blades of the American Revolution.
Harrisburg, Pa., 1973. - Norman, A.V.B. The Rapier and Small-Sword, 1460-1820.
London/Melbourne/New York, 1980. - Norman, Vesey. Arms & Armour.
London, 1964. - North, Anthony. An Introduction to European Swords.
London, 1982. - Oakeshott, Ewart. The Archaelogy of Weapons.
New York, 1994. (Reprint of the London, 1960 edition.) - —. European Weapons and Armour.
North Hollywood, Calif., 1980. - —. Sword in Hand: A Brief Survey Of The Knightly Sword.
Minneapolis, 2000. - Peterson, Harold L. Daggers and Fighting Knives Of The Western World.
Mineola, N. Y., 2001. (Reprint of the London, 1968 edition.) - —. The American Sword 1775-1945.
Mineola, N. Y., 2003. (Reprint of the Philadelphia, 1965 edition.) - Reid, William. Weapons Through The Ages.
London, 1984. - Stone, George C. A Glossary of the Construction, Decoration, and Use of Arms and Armour.
New York, 1934. - Tarrasuk, Leonid. Parrying Daggers & Poinards.
[U.S.], 1987. - —. Complete Encyclopedia of Arms and Weapons.
New York, 1982. - Thordeman, Bengt. Armour from the Battle of Wisby 1361.
[U.S.], 2001. (Reprint of the Stockholm, 1939 edition.) - Wagner, Eduard. Swords & Daggers.
London, 1975. - Wilkinson, Frederick. Swords & Daggers.
London, 1969. - —. Arms & Armour.
New York, 1973. - Wilkinson-Latham, Robert. Swords.
Dorset, 1977. - Valentine, Eric. Rapiers.
London, 1968. - French
- Lhoste, Jean and Buigne, Jean-Jacques. Armes blanches: symbolisme, inscriptions, marquages, fourbisseurs, manufactures.
La Tour du Pin, 1999. - Italian
- Calamandrei, Cesare. Storia dell’arma bianca Italiana da Waterloo al nuovo millennio.
Florence, 1999. - Spanish
- Calizzano, Carlo. El gran libro de las armas blancas de todo el mundo y de todas las épocas.
Barcelona, 1990. - Garcia, Llanso. Armas y armaduras.
Madrid, 1895. - Martínez Del Peral y Fortón, Rafael. La navaja Española antigua.
Madrid, 1995. - Ocete Rubio, Rafael. Armas blancas en España.
Barcelona, 1999.
- English
- Anonymous. The British Code of Duel.
Richmond, England, 1971. (Reprint of the London, 1824 edition.) - Baldick, Robert. The Duel.
London, 1965. - Billacois, Francois. The Duel: Its Rise and Fall in Early Modern France.
New Haven, 1990. - Bryson, Frederick R. The Sixteenth-Century Italian Duel; a Study in Renaissance Social History.
Chicago, 1938. - Gamble, Thomas. Savannah Duels & Duellists: 1733-1877.
Savannah, 1997. - Kane, Harnett T. Gentlemen, Swords & Pistols.
New York, 1961. - Kiernan, V.G. The Duel in European History.
Oxford, 1986. - Kirchner, Paul. Dueling with the Sword and Pistol.
Boulder, 2004. - Landry, Stuart O. Duelling in Old New Orleans.
New Orleans, 1950. - Massi, M. Coustard de. History of Duelling in all Countries.
Lulu, 2008. (Reprint of an undated, but probably late 19th century, text.) - McAleer, Kevin. Dueling: The Cult of Honor in Fin-de-Siecle Germany.
Princeton, 1994. - Steinmetz, Andrew. The Romance of Dueling in all Times and Countries, 2 vols.
Richmond, England, 1971. (Reprint of the London, 1868 edition.) - French
- Tavernier, Adolphe. L’art du duel.
Paris, 1885. - Italian
- Bellini, Vincenzo. Manuale del duello.
Naples, 1881. - Gelli, Jacopo. Manuale del duellante.
Milan, 1894. - Spanish
- Escudero, Ángel. El duelo en México.
Mexico, 1998. (Reprint of 1936 edition) - Murciano, A. Prontuario del duelo.
Valencia, 1993. (Facsimile of Madrid, 1902 edition.) - Rivanera, José J. Codigo de honor comentado.
Buenos Aires, 1961. - Tovar, Antonio. Codigo nacional Mexicano del duelo.
Mexico, 1934. - Yzquierdo, Luis Ramos. Codigo del duelo.
Cienfuegos, 1889.
- English
- Amberger, Chris. The Secret History of the Sword.
Burbank, 1999. - Angelo, Henry. The Reminiscences of Henry Angelo.
London, 1830. - Anglo, Syndey. The Martial Arts of Renaissance Europe.
New Haven, 2000. - Castle, Egerton. Schools and Masters of Fence.
London, 1892. - Gaugler, William. The History of Fencing: Foundations of Modern European Swordplay.
Bangor, Maine, 1998. - Hutton, Alfred. The Sword and the Centuries; or Old Sword Days and Old Sword Ways.
Rutland, Vt., 1973. - —. Old Sword-Play.
London/New York, 1892. - —. Old Sword Play.
Mineola, N.Y., 2001. - Wise, Arthur. The Art & History of Personal Combat.
London, 1971. - French
- Daressy, Henri. Archives des maîtres d’armes de Paris.
Paris, 1888. - Lacaze, Pierre. En garde: du duel a l’escrime.
Paris, 1991. - Letaînturier-Fradin, Gabriel. Le duel à travers les âges: histoire et législation, duels célèbres, code du duel.
Paris, 1892. - —. Les joueurs d’epée: a travers les siècles.
Paris, 1905. - Saint-Albin, Albert de. Les salles d’armes de Paris.
Paris, 1875. - Tavernier, Adolphe. Amateurs et salles d’armes de Paris.
Paris, 1886. - Vigeant, Arsène. L’almanach de l’escrime.
Paris, 1889. - Italian
- Greco, Agesilao. I trent anni di Agesilao Greco.
Rome, 1926. - Greco, Enzo Musumeci. Greco uomini e Maestri d’Armi.
Rome, 1983. - Tarsia in Curia, Antonino. Lotte e vittorie d’armi di Agesilao Greco.
Naples, 1935-6. - Spanish
- Fors, Luis Ricardo. Los secretos de la espada: exposicion y comentario de las doctrinas del barón de Bazencourt sobre la esgrima.
Buenos Aires, 1894. (Translation of 1862 French edition.) - Moreno, Francisco. Esgrima Española: apuntes para su história.
Madrid, 1904.
Suggested Reading
- English
- Aries, Philippe, and Duby, Georges. A History of Private Life: Passions of the Renaissance.
Cambridge, Mass., 1989. - Bazancourt, Baron César de. Secrets of the Sword.
Bangor, Maine, 1998. (Reprint of the 1900 English edition.) - Berry, Herbert. The Noble Science: A Study and Transcription of Sloane MS 2530, Papers of the Masters of Defence of London.
Newark, 1991. - Brown, Terry. English Martial Arts.
Norfolk, England, 1997. - Casanova, Giacomo. The Duel.
London, 2003. (Translation of the 1780 Italian edition.) - Castiglione, Baldesar. The Book of the Courtier.
Garden City, N.Y., 1959. - Caxton, William. The Book of the Order of Chivalry.
Huntsville, Tex., 1991. (Reprint of 1926 edition) - Charny, Geoffroi de. A Knight’s Own Book of Chivalry.
Philadelphia, 2005. (Translation of a 1350 French manuscript.) - De Las Casas, Bartolomé. An Account, Much Abbreviated, of the Destruction of the Indies; with Related Texts.
Indianapolis/Cambridge, 2003. - Fleming, Thomas. Duel: Alexander Hamilton, Aaron Burr and the Future of America.
New York, 1999. - Gaugler, William. Fencing Terminology.
Bangor, Maine, 1997. - Guédé, Alain. Monsieur de Saint-George: Virtuoso, Swordsman, Revolutionary.
New York, 1999. - Jackson, James Louis. Three Elizabethan Fencing Manuals.
Delmar, N.Y., 1972. - Jager, Eric. The Last Duel: A True Story of Crime, Scandal and Trial by Combat in Medieval France.
London, 2005. - Kates, Gary. Monsieur d’Eon is a Woman.
Baltimore, 2001. - Kaufman, Steve. Book of Five Rings: The Definitive Interpretation of Miyamoto Musashi’s Classic Book of Strategy.
Rutland, Vt., 1994. - Loriega, James. Sevillian Steel: The Traditional Knife-Fighting Arts of Spain.
Boulder, Colo., 1999. - —. Manual of the Baratero or The Art of Handling the Navaja, the Knife, and the Scissors of the Gypsies.
Boulder, Colo., 2005. (Translation/bilingual edition of Manual Del Baratero, 1849.) - Loth, David. Lorenzo the Magnificent.
New York, 1931. - Machiavelli, Niccolo. The Art of War.
New York, 1990. - —. The Prince.
Chicago & London, 1998. - Miner, Brad. The Compleat Gentleman.
Dallas, Tex., 2004. - Morton, E.D. A-Z of Fencing.
London, 1988. - Muneori, Yagyu. The Sword and the Mind.
Woodstock, N.Y., 1986. - Musashi, Miyamoto. A Book of Five Rings.
Woodstock, N.Y., 1974. - Nadi, Aldo. The Living Sword: A Fencer's Autobiography.
Bangor, Maine, 1995. - Nivelon, Francis. The Rudiments of Genteel Behavior.
London, 2003. (Facsimile of the 1737 edition.) - Price, Brian. The Book of the Tournament.
Mountain View, Calif., 1991. - Saint-Simon, Duc de. The Age of Magnificence.
New York, 1963. - Saul, Nigel. Age of Chivalry.
Great Britain, 1995. - Scott Wilson, William. The Unfettered Mind.
Tokyo, 1986. (Translation of a 17th century text by Takuan Soho.) - Stevens, John. The Sword of No-Sword: Life of the Master Warrior Tesshu.
Boulder, Colo., 1984. - Tamarin, Alfred. Autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini.
London, 1969. - Tillyard, E. M. W. The Elizabethan World Picture.
New York, 1959. - Tzu, Sun. The Art of War.
Oxford, 1971. - French
- Pikoul, Valentin. Le chevalier d’Éon et guerre de sept ans avec la plume et avec l’épée.
Paris, 1983. - Trédaniel, Guy. Le livre de l’ordre de la chevalerie.
Paris, 1990. (Translation of a 13th century text by Raymond Lulle.) - Pikoul, Valentin
Le Chevalier d’Éon et Guerre de Sept Ans avec la plume et avec l’épée
Paris, 1983 - Spanish
- Mariano de Rementeria y Fica. Manual del baratero, ó arte de manejar la navaja, el cuchillo y la tijera de los jitanos.
Madrid, 1849.
- English
- Pardoel, Henk. Fencing A Bibliography Edition .01.
Canada, 2005. - Thimm, Carl A. A Complete Bibliography of Fencing and Dueling.
New York, 1968. (Facsimile of 1896 London edition.) - Spanish
- Leguina, D. Enrique de. Bibliografía é historia de la esgrima Española.
Mansfield Centre, Conn., 2000. (Reprint of 1904 Madrid edition.) - Salvá y Mallen, D. Pedro. Coleccion de libros de arte militar, esgrima, gineta, tauromaquia, veterinaria, cetreria y caza.
Valencia, 1872.
Open: Early Period, Middle Period, Late Period 17th century, Late Period 18th century, Classical Fencing - English, Classical Fencing - French, Classical Fencing - Italian, Classical Fencing - Spanish, Modern Fencing, Arms and Armor, Dueling, History, Suggested Reading