Swordman's Shop

Providing quality arms and related items The Swordsman’s Shop is a valuable asset for the “Classical and Historical Fencer”.

Welcome to The Swordsman’s shop. Our shop was created in 2003 to provide a site for the discerning fencer’s needs.We offer a selection of quality fencing equipment, goods and services, which will aid fencers in their study and training of the art and science. Maestro Ramon Martinez has carefully selected every item from weapons to DVDs. For example; you will find high quality reproductions of historically significant fencing prints, which gives today’s fencer access to otherwise rare and hard to obtain illustrations.

Instructional DVD

  • Instructional DVD

    This includes all three volumes of the La Verdadera Destreza series.

  • La Verdadera Destreza
    Instructional DVD

    Martinez Academy of Arms is proud to announce that Anthony De Longis and PALPABLE HIT PRODUCTIONS has produced our first instructional video La Verdadera Destreza: The True Art and Skill of Spanish Swordsmanship.

  • La Verdadera Destreza: Volume III
    Instructional DVD
    Angulo Recto y Compases - Right Angle and Footwork

    This instructional DVD is designed to provide a deeper study of the instructional material offered in Volumes I & II of La Verdadera Destreza instructional series. In this volume Maestro Ramon Martinez takes a more in depth technical view of the Affirmar & Angulo recto (stance) and the Compases (footwork).

  • Instructional DVD

    Martinez Academy of Arms is proud to announce our second instructional video, La Scherma Italiana: the Basics of Italian Rapier Fencing, produced by Palpable Hit Productions.

  • L’École Française DVD
    Instructional DVD

    Martinez Academy of Arms along with Palpable Hit Productions has created and produced our third instructional DVD set on the French School of small-sword instructional DVD set. This newest addition to our instructional series is on the L’École Française: A Practical and Combative Guide to the French Small-sword.

  • ISMAC 2009 10th anniversary DVD
    Instructional DVD

    The International Swordfighting and Martial Arts Convention has brought together the finest instructors from around the world to teach the best classes in Western Martial Arts for over a decade. In that time many participants have had their first exposure to WMA and many more continue to return and hone their skills. Participants choose from over 50 classes on almost any Western Martial Arts subject.


Fencing Print

  • Combat between Man and Dog, A 1892 print
    Fencing Print

    A 19th century engraving depicting one of the strangest “duels” of all time between a man and a dog. Taking place in 1400 it falls into the category of a “trial by combat”

  • Monsieur De Saint George Engraving by W. Ward, from the portrait painted by Mather Brown
    Fencing Print
    “The most extraordinary man that one will ever see in arms and even in all exercises of the body, was undoubtedly the famous Saint-George.”
    Antoine La Boessiere, Traite de L’Art Des Armes, 1818
  • Henry Angelo Portrait by J.R. Smith and engraved by B.F. Scott.
    Fencing Print
    “Henry Angelo was the son and successor of Domenico Angelo Tremamondo, the most famous swordsman and teacher of swordsmanship in England during the 18th century.”
  • Chevalier D’Eon de Beaumont Portrait by R. Cosway, R.A., and engraved by Thomas Chambers
    Fencing Print
    “D'Eon was considered one of the best swordsmen of France though his gender was a source of speculation until his death.”
  • Angelo’s Haymarket fencing academy, Painted by T. Rowlandson
    Fencing Print
    “In this famous scene one can observe a typical 18th century school of fencing in full operation.”
  • Duel between Jarnac and Chateigneraie, A 1892 print
    Fencing Print
    This 19th century engraving depicts what is arguably one of the most famous “duels” in history. Taking place in France on July 19, 1547 during the reign of Henry II, this formal combat is unique in that it is considered by dueling historians as the last of the formal “Chivalric duels” or “trial by combat”. The encounter between the aggrieved parties took place on a champ clos (closed field) a pre-selected and designated area.

  • Soubise and the Duchess of Queenbury, An illustration by William Austin, 1773
    Fencing Print

    This engraving depicts Soubise imparting fencing instruction to the Duchess of Queensbury. Soubise (originally named Mungo) was the black servant and page of the eccentric Duchess of Queensbury. The Duchess sent him to Angelo’s fencing academy in London where he was trained and developed considerable skill in swordsmanship and eventually became a fencing instructor in the employ of Mr. Angelo.

  • Duel des Mignons, A 1892 print
    Fencing Print
    This 19th century engraving depicts one of the most famous duels in French history. Taking place on April 27, 1578 during the reign of Henri III and known as the Duel des Mignons, it was one of the instances where the savage nature inherent in armed combat manifests itself within the context of a duel.

  • Angelo's Haymarket fencing academy, Painted by T. Rowlandson
    Fencing Print
    In this painting, Angelo's fencing academy is depicted on the occasion when Madame Collie of Rome came to participate in the fencing in 1816. This academy, which was located on No. 13 Bond Street, London was the successor to the original academy located at the Opera House in Haymarket London that was destroyed by fire on June 17, 1789.
  • The Assault between Saint-George and D’Eon, Painted by Robineau and engraved by V.M. Picot.
    Fencing Print

    A depiction of the famous “assault” between two of the most famous swordsmen of the 18th century, namely the Chevalier de Saint-Georges and the Chevalier D'Eon. This encounter took place on April 9th 1787 at Carlton House and was witnessed by the Prince of Wales and other nobility.

  • The Cato Street Conspirators, Painted by George Cruikshank
    Fencing Print
    “ The Cato Street Conspirators, on the memorable night of the 23rd of February 1820, at the moment when Smithers the Police officer was stabbed; NB the Scene faithfully represented from the Description of Mr. Ruthven, the View of the Interior correctly sketched on the Spot ”
  • Duel with Epees 1899, Drawn by Percy Macquoid. RI
    Fencing Print
    This drawing depicts a “stop” hit by rassemblement which is counter offensive technique used to counter attack as the adversary’s lunges.

    This engraving appeared in the Graphic, a British newspaper published in 1889. It was the first daily-illustrated newspaper. This illustration, published on January 7th, 1899, is the last of a series of six engravings on the history of dueling with swords.

  • Duel de Bouteville, A 1892 print
    Fencing Print

    This 19th century engraving depicts the duel that took place on May 12,1627 at three o’clock in the afternoon between the Comte François de Montmorency-Boutville and the Marquis de Beuvron on a outdoor square in the Place Royale.

  • The Fateful Tournament of Henry II, An early French woodcut
    Fencing Print

    This print captures the tragic moment in the 1559 tournament in which Henri II King of France participated when he was mortally wounded by a lance that passed through the opening in the visor of his helmet. The woodcut image shows the lance shattering on impact resulting in its end entering the Kings cheek under the left eye. Henri II lingered in pain for ten days until he died from the injury he suffered.

  • Duel Floquet-Boulanger
    Fencing Print

    This image of the late 19th century affair of honor between General Boulanger and the lawyer Floquet, who was much older than the General, portrays the moment in which Floquet thrust his sword into Boulanger's neck. It later became known that the General had no knowledge of swordsmanship.
